Thursday, January 17, 2013

European Empires and Asian Empires

The western Europeans made their empire in the USA, and Russia became the largest empire in Europe.
In 17th century, in Russia large number of people mostly did hunting, gathering, and herding people, who did not have weapons or power. Some Russian immigrants to the new land, the empires gave them "wealth 
and social status" because the were educated. 

When Russia try to be more powerful empire, they made modern weapons and guns. Than, Russia control  both the steeps and Siberia and Russian took native people land and made them pay tax which was fur from animals. Many native people learn language, change religion into Christine and life style. They lose their traditional and cultural group.   Russia become very large territories, but with quite small population.

Asia and Europe had problem for 300 years because Russia was between Asia and Europe.

- The Ottoman Empire ( Turks ): The Ottoman Empire was in Turkey. It was created from warrior group.
                                            Muslim leads the large number of Christian People.
- The Mughal Empire: The Mughal Empire was in India. It was also created from warrior group. There are
                                   two main ethnicity in this empire. They are Hindu and Muslim. Muslim rule this        


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