Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dolores Huerta

Dolores Huerta is one of the activist who was involved in the American Civil Rights Movement and fought for farmers to get same rights as other workers. She worked with Cesar Chavez and, the United Farm Workers’ Union. Lated she was the founding board member of the Feminist Majority Foundation and crusader against domestic violence. Huerta believe  that we have to create a world of justice and peace, so we need education for everyone to make it possible. 
Huerta believes that we should have human rights where everyone will be able to get an education. However, nowadays in developed countries like the United States, the government spends most of its money on war, instead of education. Developed country. For example, now there is war in Iraq because the US wants oil and the US thinks, “ how our oil get in their sand.” This war has caused many problems in middle class and lower class people’s lives. It is because lower class and middle class children are not able to continue their school due to financial hardship. But the children from rich families have an easy time continuing their education. For example, the rich children don’t have to worry about debt and loans, but if the lower and middle class children attend college, they have to work for a very long time paying their debt and loans. Therefore, in this country there are some people who are too rich, and others are poor and who have a hard time buying even a house or surviving. Huerta thoughts were in some way similar to Karl Marx because Marx believed that the working class work very hard, and they have very, very hard time changing the class because the upper class does not want to share the power, and they do not want to change classes. The majority of people are poor in the world, and it is in our hands to create a positive change where everyone can have a free education and similar stander of living.
In many parts of the world, women do not have the same level of education as men. Many times men tried to own a woman's body, and women could not do anything because men have all the power. In the modern era, if both men and women do not have equal power, it will be very hard to move the country forward. Without the women having full rights and safety, when half the population will not be free, then that country will be left behind. All over the world, women have similar situations. These problems might exist in the US, but they are not as pervasive. We all have to work together as a one to promote women’s rights.
After I heard a Huerta’s speech, I learned that we have to try new things out of our comfort zone. When I grew up in refugee camp, most of the time men made the decisions and women’s opinions were not as important as men. I thought that that is how everything was supposed to work. However, when I came to the USA, I learned to be independent, and it is very different than the culture I grew in up. I have still a hard time speaking up due to culture. Now, I realize that we need some change to make a positive difference. We have the power to change the world.

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