Monday, April 22, 2013

Environmental Impact Hero Sapiens

I think Environmental Impact Hero Sapiens and it was a very big deal because it is in our hands to save our creators. In the past, most people did not care much about the environment; what they care the most was making money by building factories which pollute the environment and harm other creatures. The industrial Revolution has the bad impact because of industry people use technologies to produce and technologies made it easier, but there was lots of pollution. It damages the environment. Moreover, during the Industrial Revolution people use child labor, especially in the United States and Europe. For example, they use children  to go underground to dig the coals and many people died while they were digging because it is hard to breath and sometime the mud fall down. During Indrustial Revolution many working class people suffered. However, this environmental moment has the huge impact on all the species and their environment. It changes  environment simply by living. Now, many people are working to save the earth, because of the global warming. People believe that everyone has rights to exist.

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